HAIR/BRAVE Commentary
Hair style, length, color, and texture are sensitive to cultural norms. This commentary explores hair plus the relationship to brave. This part of the commentary
Words came into being as sounds with the intent that the speaker would communicate with other. I examine these sounds on paper through spinning yarns and weaving them into a fabric of life experiences the human has received through the senses. The approach used to shed light on these myths is primarily linguistic using stems, roots primarily of Indo-European languages, cognates, derivations, definitions from many different languages as found in English translations, separation of compound words into single syllables, and use of homonyms. I believe common threads of meaning exist among all the world’s languages. EVERY WORD HAS A STORY
This commentary is intended to exceed the boundaries of semiotics with its branches of syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics, because the intent is from a universal context which I believe endures the ravishes of time and space. Definitions become a lexicon referring to the vocabulary of a particular people, a language, and a branch of knowledge, that have application both in the present and the ancient past. I let words journey me across the boundaries of time, culture, and academia. Follow the common threads of various languages related to similar words to discover the essential meanings.
This commentary is offered only as possibility and there is no claim the interpretations are correct ones.
My Favorite Book is Webster’s New World Dictionary (WNWD). A day does not go by when I look up a word. The particular word I research may not be in WNWD but found in my vast dictionary collection of many languages, or found on Wiktionary or other searches in etymology.
A selected word will be presented every 1 – 3 months.
Hair style, length, color, and texture are sensitive to cultural norms. This commentary explores hair plus the relationship to brave. This part of the commentary
by Lois P. Liggett SPIRITUALITY “Spirituality in everyday life: Finding meaning and connection in the ordinary”. The simple exploration of etymology and word definitions, as
In 2023 wars in Sudan and in the Middle East between Hamas and Israel caught people’s attention. Let us take a look at the word
Salt A SALT COMMENTARY by Lois Liggett This commentary is an excerpt from “The Rooted Tongue: Spiritual Linguistics”, an 1800 page, unpublished word commentary. The commentary
Is CHICKEN SOUP good for the SOUL? This is an excerpt “plucked and pulled ” from “The ROOTED TONGUE”, an unpublished 1800 page word commentary
Guide to etymological abbreviations as given in Webster’s New World Dictionary.
BARK-This word commentary brings together THUNDER, LIGHTNING, BOAT, SAP, TREE, and NURSE. The last part of this commentary examines the female Islamic dress known as a BURKA.
I am a retired physical therapist. I have traveled throughout the world. I professionally worked in Japan in calendar year 1990, as a geriatric rehabilitation
Words are like containers that hold meanings. Some word containers are shallow, but other containers are deep, and some are like a bottom-less pit. So,