by Lois P. Liggett


“Spirituality in everyday life: Finding meaning and connection in the ordinary”. The simple exploration of etymology and word definitions, as found in large comprehensive dictionaries like Webster’s New World College Dictionary, can reveal the significance of our basic belief systems, myths, and symbols. This type of exploration is called “spiritual linguistics”. See the rootedtongue.com website for information.

“Mythology and symbolism: Interpreting spiritual messages through ancient stories and symbol.” The spiritual linguistics method aids an individual to understand the significance of religious beliefs, mythological stories, and symbols across many cultures. “Spiritual linguistics” examines word roots and word definitions to find a common thread. One word can have diverse meanings along with possibly related homonyms, synonyms, and homographs that upon examination reveal elemental truths rooted in symbols and myths.

See the rootedtongue.com website.


“Mythology in the modern world: How ancient stories still respond today”. Study the influence of these myths through etymology and word definitions. See rootedtongue.com website.


Analysis of word meanings through etymology and word definitions of current news events can reveal a broader and deeper context thus providing the reader with insight that allows for a clearer line of communication.  See rootedtongue.com website.