HAIR/BRAVE Commentary

Hair style, length, color, and texture are sensitive to cultural norms. This commentary explores hair plus the relationship to brave. This part of the commentary explores hair and words akin to hair. Hair is derived from and linked to: ME here or her; OE hær; Ger haar; Frank harja; OFr haire meaning hair or shirt; […]


by Lois P. Liggett SPIRITUALITY “Spirituality in everyday life: Finding meaning and connection in the ordinary”. The simple exploration of etymology and word definitions, as found in large comprehensive dictionaries like Webster’s New World College Dictionary, can reveal the significance of our basic belief systems, myths, and symbols. This type of exploration is called “spiritual […]


In 2023 wars in Sudan and in the Middle East between Hamas and Israel caught people’s attention. Let us take a look at the word “war”. What do the definitions say? They suggest confusion, less good, and ill. People taking sides or not taking sides want to scream. WAR derivations are: L guerra; ME were, […]


Salt A SALT COMMENTARY by Lois Liggett This commentary is an excerpt from “The Rooted Tongue: Spiritual Linguistics”, an 1800 page, unpublished word commentary. The commentary is mainly based on Webster’s New World Dictionary, the American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots or bases (IE), customs, and historical and scientific insights. There is more to salt than […]

Is CHICKEN SOUP good for the SOUL?

Is CHICKEN SOUP good for the SOUL? This is an excerpt “plucked and pulled ” from “The ROOTED  TONGUE”, an unpublished 1800 page word commentary by Lois Liggett Is chicken soup good for the soul and good for healing what ails you?  The etymology and definitions related to this commentary suggest this is so!  This […]

Bark – Word Commentary

BARK-This word commentary brings together THUNDER, LIGHTNING, BOAT, SAP, TREE, and NURSE. The last part of this commentary examines the female Islamic dress known as a BURKA.